Victoria A. Jeffrey's authorly doings. . .

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Exciting Stuff, finishing the blueshifters

I'm nearly finished with the blueshifters, season two. That should be out by the beginning of August. there's so much I've got on y plate right now and I've entered exciting times as a writer! two more books n the blueshifter series will be written and then that will be finished. After that comes a scifi detective serial and of course my main series, the Mission series which I plan to release sometime this fall.

The most exciting? well, I've come up with a new pen name for another series I'll be doing this year. But more on that later.

Go ahead and visit the blueshifter blog and read the newest episodes I have out. The next blueshifter book that will be out is the blueshifters: red dawn. That season will be all about the bad guys.

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