Hello and well met, dear readers! I am participating in the Back To School Middle Grade Blog Tour and I have offered the first three of my books from my children's fantasy series, Secret Doorway Tales for free during the tour. The tour lasts from September 2nd - 6th. Below are study questions for each of the books and the links where you can get the books for free. I think you will find this a fun project for your class or your family. It can also be a blast for a child to read the books and then use the study questions for finding the answers on their own. Not all of the questions have wrong or right answers. Some questions are open-ended. Feel free to read the books and participate at your leisure. If you prefer, you can download the questions on Word .doc file format from my website here: Study Questions. At this time, the Secret Doorway Tales are in ebook form only. Sorry about that.
There are eight indie authors of middle grade fiction that are participating and on each day of the tour there will be a guest post by each author. My guest post will be included on Tiffany's website. Please have a look around at Tiffany Turner's main blog tour page at the Back To School Middle Grade Blog Tour website and check out all of the great content for parents and kids from all the indie authors participating in the tour!
Study Questions for The Green Door
1. What kinds of things does Anne like?
2. What moves her to explore the shed behind the green door in the field?
3. Would you have explored the shed? Why or why not?
4. Who does she meet before and once she enters Other Land? What kind of fairy do you think he is?
5. What thing does Anne need to get from Other Land (land of the fairies) and why?
6. Who is behind all the trouble in this story?
7. What does Anne's father buy her at the end of the story?
Study Questions for The Pumpkin Princess
1. What does Anne hear on her way home?
2. Who is visiting the Greene household when Anne comes home from school?
3. Relate the story Anne hears before dinner. Do you see a lesson in it?
4. Why does Anne go back to Other Land?
5. Who does she meet before she gets to the Whitestone Lodge? Is this related to the voices she heard earlier in the story?
6. How does Anne meet Hunter and how does he help her? How does Anne meet Antigone and how does she help her?
7. Who is Princess Tryssa?
8. What does Anne do to try and rescue her?
9. Who is behind what happened to Princess Tryssa and why?
10. What important thing does Anne discover while reading her book at the end of the story?
Study Questions for The Winter Wolves
1. Anne’s other grandmother sends her a gift in the mail. What is it?
2. What happens to Anne when she wears her new gift to school? Have you ever had to deal with a bully? What did you do?
3. Who does Anne meet on her way home?
4. Do you think the snow storm is a normal winter storm? Why?
5. When Anne goes back to Other Land this time, which of her objects become very important to her? Why does she go back this time?
6. What wolfish thing does Anne learn how to do while traveling with the wolves?
7. Why are they traveling north?
8. What plan do the Gnome Grandfathers have to defeat the Winter Fairy Queen?
9. What has the Winter Fairy Queen done and what is her future plan?
10. What weapon do the Gnome Grandfathers give her this time and how does this help her instead of the hammer?
11. Do you think the Winter Queen is a bully? If so, explain why you think so.
12. Why do bullies like for people to be afraid of them?
13. Is Anne still intimidated by Lauren when she comes back from Other Land? Why do you think this is so?
14. Do you think the Winter Fairy Queen will try to make more trouble in the future?
You can download The Green Door for free on Amazon or Smashwords:
You can download The Pumpkin Princess for free at Smashwords by using this coupon code: HR77Z
You can download The Winter Wolves for free at Smashwords by using this coupon code: XC55L
Happy reading!
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