Victoria A. Jeffrey's authorly doings. . .

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sign up!

Just a quick note before I go - I will be taking a small hiatus from blogging here on Blogger for about a month. When I come back I should have the first chapter up here for viewing/reading. I do have a bit of news.

The first book in my new series will be published late this fall. I would encourage readers to sign up for the newsletter (the picture link in the right hand column at the top) if you want to get free stuff. A drawing for several gift certificates is coming up later this year, discounts on book prices and a free new book - all for those that sign up for the newsletter! The newsletter is sent out once a month (so you don't have to worry about getting too much stuff from me in your inbox!)

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012



When I have a new story bouncing around in my brain it can take years to develop into something coherent. The stories I've already published were ideas that I had years ago but I've written at length about those.

A little background information. I'd first read Frank Herbert's Dune series when I was in my twenties. Like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Dune was very influential on me as a young writer and I had decided that I wanted to write a grand, sweeping book set on another planet. I had decided not to write a LOTR style book because there were so many copycats that were everywhere I didn't feel that I had anything to contribute but the sweep and enormity of it was also something that inspired this idea.

Other things have a deep influence as well. namely, the Bible which has a significant influence on this new series. I wanted it set on another world but I didn't really want to write a futuristic story. I wanted it to have the feel of antiquity. Ancient Babylon, Assyria and Ancient Egypt and ancient Israelite culture (see a theme here?) all are things that have influenced this story.  I want a feeling of  history, pseudo-history, I guess you could say.

Also there are certain historical people that have a lot of influence for some of the characters. The prophet Jeremiah, the monk Savonarola, King Ahasueras, King Nebuchadnezzar and Queen Athaliah.

The planet Mars figures as its own character in a way. I'll post on that later but those are some thoughts on some of the influences for this new series of books. History makes for a rich story. It's exciting and intimidating all at the same time. Can this story measure up to all this loftiness? Only time will tell.

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Book Cover Art!

So far, here is my new book cover for Edge of Darkness. A stock art piece that I was really impressed with, called Martian Chronicles. I thought about making some fire in the distance but using Photoshop is taking away a lot of time from other things, so this will have to do. After all, it's only a short story.

I'm thinking of hiring a conceptual artist for the actual trilogy book covers. Found some great stuff on
DeviantArt. Great place for art, that. Get the free download of the story at my website this week!

UPDATE! Story is no longer available for free but you can purchase it on Amazon or B&N for $0.99!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Edge Of Darkness: A Prequel to The Red World Trilogy

Ok. So I've waxed on about the next project and how I plan to do this and that and. . .whatever. Fear not, gentle readers but I have been hard at work. It came to me about a year ago while I was working on my previous series that I might want to write a prequel for the Red World trilogy.

While gathering my notes and thinking on how to map out the outline I found some time to write the prequel. It's a short story. In the beginning I'd thought of writing a full length prequel novel but I don't think it's necessary in order to tell the feathers of story elements here that seed the trilogy. It's in editing stage right now it will be available for free for a limited time next week. Look for it within the next five to seven days here on my blog and also on my website. It will available as a .pdf, .mobi and .epub.

It will also be available for purchase on Amazon and B&N for those who  want to buy it. it is called Edge of Darkness. I've thought about making this story in the Red World universe a comic book but I think it shall stay in its current form.

PS: I have been working on a rough timeline of events, if you will to place the story in a quasi-historical setting. It needs a little work but I will include this first timeline in with the short story just to give readers an idea of the setting I'm trying to convey. I will include a more refined version with the novels. In fact, here it is right here:

Kind of small but there it is, for now.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Serializing The Red World Trilogy

I must say, this new project I'm beginning is full of promise and fun. But there's a thing. What thing? Well, it's been quite some time since I've written a full length novel. Actually, it's been some years since I've done so. Most of my recent work has been short fiction; short stories, novellas, novelettes, short collections. It will be interesting. Short fiction I think can really help discipline you, keep you from doing too much running on with story telling, writing extraneaous material that no one needs to read. You have to keep it brief.

In a novel, you have more leeway and especially so if you are writing science fiction or fantasy do you have the chance to do some real world building - which can take on vast amounts of time. Discipline is what it's all about.

One thing I will be doing with the first book of this new trilogy is serializing part of it on this blog and on my website so look for installments. Readers will be able to read half of the novel for free on the blog and the website or download those sample chapters to their e-reader. Of course, I will also make the file in a variety of formats.

For years the working title for this trilogy was Monolith. That has changed. The overall title for the trilogy is The Red World trilogy, as it is set on Mars millions of years ago. The new working title of the first book is Schisms.

Look for new, free material from it around the end of September!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lessons Learned and What's To Come

Well my very first series is finally finished. It's been an interesting experience. When I first began, it was very exciting and I loved writing it. The excitement wore off a bit by the time I got to the fourth book. What I'd noticed is that as other things in my life arose: family situations, job issues and just life in general getting in the way, it put a lot of stress on me and there were times when it became a chore to slog through. I just had to push on despite being tired, stressed out or distracted.

This was a lesson that I've re-learned this year. It isn't new but I stopped writing for a few years before the advent of independent publishing. So I am relearning it. Writing isn't simply about waiting around on some muse, not if you're serious. It's also a job. You write because you are inspired, because you love to write and also because it's necessary if you have a deadline or you need to put food on the table. I also had a hard time meeting a few deadlines this year, especially for the last two books. I wasn't dreadfully late or anything  but still, I'll have to set more realistic deadlines to account for the "Life Happens" issues - another thing I've learned.

I'm saying this not to say that I don't enjoy this. I'm very proud with how it has turned out and I love it! But it was hard work and all of it wasn't joy every minute. There were those moments when I didn't feel inspired, when I was tired and didn't feel like writing anything. I had to make myself do it during those times and the end result of it is pride that I've finished the series and can look confidently to towards the future.

So what does the future hold? At this point I'm enjoying my summer. It's a lovely one. I'm reading again. Dune - I read it every other summer and interestingly, it is the inspiration for the next trilogy I plan to write. I've had an idea for a trilogy for years, many years ago, but I wasn't sure how to structure the story. I've been gathering my many notes I've written over the years. I'm getting ready to organize them and I've written even more notes.. I'll be preparing a detailed outline around the end of the month but for now I'm just relaxing and enjoying the weather. I hope you are too.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Now Available!

The Battle of Dusk and Dawn, the sixth and final book of the Secret Doorway Tales series is available on Amazon, B&N and Smashwords for $2.99!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Book Cover Art

Alright, I've got my new book cover. It's stock art created by the same artist who made the stock art for The Mountain King.

Beautiful work. Thank goodness for good stock art/photos.

The Battle of Dusk and Dawn

The Battle of Dusk and Dawn.


There were a few hiccups in getting it out but it's now finished. Look for it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble this Friday.